Grief & Bereavement Support

Grief & Bereavement Support

Nashoba Associated Boards of Health (NABH) has been piloting the continuation of grief and bereavement supports in the region, previously offered by the late hospice branch of the agency, since late September 2023.  At present we are offering monthly support groups across the NABH district and grief workshops as requested by our municipal partners in the region; we are assessing community interest and engagement on an ongoing basis in an effort to continue these offerings in some capacity longer-term.  We would not be able to offer this programming at all without the support of our generous funders; you can learn more about these organizations below.  Please Visit our agency’s Calendar page for a list of upcoming grief support opportunities. If you have any questions, call 978-772-3335.

Nashoba Associated Boards of Health welcomes adults who are experiencing grief to participate in monthly, drop-in Grief & Healing Support Groups throughout the region. Facilitated by grief counselor Karen Campbell, MSMHC, these support groups are open to the public and offer a safe space to share experiences of the grief journey. These groups are an opportunity to learn more about the grief process and strategies for managing grief. Confidentiality is respected and honored. 


These Grief & Healing Support Groups honor all types of grief, including grief due to loss, change and transitions. In recognition that grief has no time frame, those who grieve are welcomed at any time in their journey.

Since grief is an evolving process, occasional check-ins with a grief support group may be beneficial. No one is required to commit to consistent attendance.

The NABH grief counselor is also available for workshops and presentations at the request of our municipal partners (councils on aging, libraries, etc.).


These services are provided to the community by the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, with the support of grant funding from the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts, the Health Equity Partnership of North Central Mass (CHNA9), the Haley Cremer Foundation, and Emerson Health.

For more information, please contact Karen Campbell at 978-772-3335 x 322.

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